Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Cara Membuat FireFox Sangat CEPAAATTT !!!!

Kali Ini saya akan post dalam bahasa inggris karena yang pake firefox ga cuman orang indonesia kan .. ?
How TO Make FireFox Load Faster with Tips And Software
Logo of Browser Mozilla Firefox
Make Mozilla Firefox Super Faster
Before you start you should find a website or page that loads slow for you. Usually that is a page that has a lot of content such as the NY Times, Fox News or CNN. Notice how much time it takes to load initially. Once you are done navigate to the same page to see the difference in speed.

Ok, Let's go to My Tutorial Easy Ways :   

Make Firefox Faster With Software :
You can slash Firefox's fast load time by software compressing the DLLs and executables. There are many choices for compression but I suggest you use Software UPX which is free, efficient and time proven.

# Download UPX from UPX sites download Mirror Links
# Unzip upx.exe into your Firefox installation folder which is C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox.
# Make sure Firefox is not running then shell to a command prompt in the Firefox directory.
# Type in the following command in a single line and click return: for %v in (*.exe *.dll components\*.dll plugins\*.dll) do upx "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\%v"
#If on some later occasion you want to unpack the files, just type in the command above but add the decompression switch "-d" after "do upx."

Tips For Performance Your Mozilla Firefox Connection Internet :
1. Improve Firefox Performance by Clearing the Downloads List
2. Remove Old Versions of the Java Console From Firefox 
3. Make Firefox Immediately Switch to a Newly Opened Tab
4. Move or remove the close tab button
5. Download Add On FasterFox 2013.
6. Limit RAM usage.
7. Speed up Firefox.

Good Luck :) For How To Make Firefox Load Faster With Tips And Software.

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